Benin boosts COVID-19 response with increased testing

Benin’s first COVID-19 case was diagnosed at the Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Laboratory in the capital Cotonou in March 2020. Then it was the country’s sole facility able to test for the virus. At best it could carry out only 300 tests per day.

Benin boosts COVID-19 response with increased testing

Cotonou – Benin’s first COVID-19 case was diagnosed at the Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Laboratory in the capital Cotonou in March 2020. Then it was the country’s sole facility able to test for the virus. At best it could carry out only 300 tests per day.

Benin on track to have its scorecard on sexual and reproductive health

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Benin managed to organize the country Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) scorecard development workshop. As an accountability tool, the Benin SRHR Scorecard aims to track progress in sexual and reproductive health and rights in the country. It will be used to monitor the achievements of SRHR targets in Benin.

Airport testing expands Benin’s COVID-19 detection

Benin has set up a COVID-19 testing centre at the main airport in the capital Cotonou to boost early detection and containment of the virus. Unlike many countries in the region, Benin’s airspace has remained open since the outbreak began. Land borders were shut, however.

Benin goes on digital offensive against COVID-19

Cotonou – After the first case of COVID-19 was announced in Benin on the 16 March, within four days, the West African nation had set up a range of digital platforms to help combat both the spread of the disease and what the World Health Organization (WHO) has called “infodemic” of misinformation around it.

Benin hosts the first annual review and planning meeting of the initiative for acces...

L’hôtel Azalai de la capitale économique a servi de cadre à la cérémonie d’ouverture officielle de cette importante réunion réunissant une centaine de participants/tes venus de onze (11) pays situés au sud du Sahara. Il s’agit de la Tanzanie, de la Sierra Leone, du Nigeria, du Niger, du Mali, de la Guinée, du Kenya, de la RDC, de l’Afrique du Sud, du Rwanda, du Burkina-Faso et du Bénin. Une cérémonie empreinte de solennité et haute en couleurs a marqué le démarrage des travaux présidée par Dr Pétas AKOGBETO, Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre de la Santé entouré de Dr Triphonie NKURUNZIZA, Conseillère régionale chargée de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive au Bureau Régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique et de Madame Mary Lyn Gaffield, spécialiste de la Planification Familiale au Siège de l’OMS à Genève en Suisse.

African Vaccination Week (AVW) Benin

The launch of the AVW was coupled with the polio NID’s and Child Survival Week and chaired by the Ministry of health accompanied by the WHO and Unicef Representatives, as well as civil societies (Rotary Club International and la Commission Polio Plus Bénin, Plan International Bénin, USAID, ROBS, etc.).

The launch was held on the23 of April 2013 at Toviklin in Couffo, department where cases of vaccine refusals have been registered during campaigns.